Better Together

Workouts for brain type 8

Updated on July 21, 2023 in Weight Loss
1 on July 20, 2023

Where can I find the recommended physical workouts for Brain Type 8 on your website?

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0 on July 21, 2023

On the homepage, you will find your report to download and on there, you will see a BUILD MY BRAIN section, where there are exercise recommendations. In case you have trouble finding them, here they are:

Recommended Exercises For Brain Type 8:

  • Walk like you’re late for 45-60 minutes, 4 times a week or use interval exercises if less time is available. Interval training is basically 90 seconds of warm-up followed by a series of “bursts” of exercise – 30 seconds of going almost as fast as you can and then 90 seconds of moderate pace. Repeat this 8 times with a 90-120 second cool down at the end. Interval training can be done with any form of exercise such as running, treadmill, elliptical, stairs, swimming, cycling, and walking.
  • Take a group exercise class that incorporates variety, social connectivity, heart rate variability, and sweating
  • Life weights or do weight-bearing exercise such as TRX, calisthenics, or power yoga 2-3 times per week
  • Coordination exercises such as table tennis, badminton, aerobics, or dance
  • Grounding and balance exercises such as tai-chi, qi gong, restorative yoga, or Nia
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