Better Together

When is the WebNeuro assessment tool going to be fixed.

Updated on June 20, 2020 in Brain Optimization
5 on June 8, 2020

When is the WebNeuro assessment tool going to be fixed. It is a vital part of this process, it measures the baseline. If I do not know my baseline, then how do I know if I am making any improvement. I have taken it Five times hoping it was fixed. Could someone please fix it. 

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2 on June 8, 2020

I agree that it is frustrating. If the Amen team lets everyone know that it will announce when it is fixed, then we won’t have to keep trying it and wasting a lot of effort.

on June 8, 2020

Yes thank you. But I think that the point is being missed. If we are to help ourselves improve then we need to know what our starting point is. If they take 3-4 months to fix the problem then, will they extent the membership by that amount of time to start over?  I have just been on this page about 11 days and I want to know where to start and what needs to be improved. I got here by way of the Memory Rescue package, but I am starting to think that I may not be as bad as I thought.   

on June 15, 2020

did you try this week? I got to the maze and then it says module is done and stopped there 🙁

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I just took it and it worked.  I got my report about 15 minutes after.

on June 20, 2020

Hi, thanks. I took the test again and all the has happened is the webpage stated that, MODULE FINISHED! I still have the page open and has been for about a half hour and nothing. Glad that you got your results, good luck.

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