Better Together

when i feel tired all the time how can i get up and get moving

Updated on February 7, 2016 in Ask A Coach
14 on January 3, 2016

Even tho I am getting 7 – 8 hours of sleep, I am unable to make myself get up and move.  This is a giant ANT for me.   Help

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1 on January 3, 2016

I wonder if you have a thyroid problem, low iron, or need treatment for depression.  I’ve read that a person can be depressed even though not feeling overwhelmed with sadness.

on January 3, 2016

Sally ,
you are very 
I am in treatment for all 3, plus some allergic reactions that have recently raised their ugly heads.

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1 on January 3, 2016

Kimmie…so many things can cause unnatural lack of energy!  Are you following all the eating, supplements, exercises, meditations, teaching videos, etc. in our BFL program?  I found the Peak Performance hypnosis meditation to be very helpful to help me gain motivation and direction for my day.  Have you tried it?  You do need to practice the hypnosis daily for about a month to really gain benefit.  It’s worth trying if you haven’t.  
There are other, serious things that can cause undo fatigue, such as thyroid problems.  
My specialist just diagnosed me with severe food allergies I knew nothing about, along with some active viruses that were causing me excessive pain, skin eruptions, brain fog, fatigue and muscle/joint pain.  
Be sure to stay current with your doctor and regular blood tests to find any hidden causes!
By the way…exercise is perhaps the last thing you want to do, but it provides an instant energy boost and brightens the mood!

on January 3, 2016

Thanks, I will try the performance hypnosis.

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1 on January 3, 2016

Yes, I have noticed that I have felt the same at times.  The thing that i do is create a sense of urgency in my day, in other words, a challenge or a desired result in what I need or want to do that day.  Once I get up I am fine.

on January 4, 2016

I wonder if a 10,000 LUX lightbox, such as the one by Northern Light Technologies, would help.  I know a neurologist who uses one for 20 min. in the morning, during winter.

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0 on January 5, 2016

Hi Kimmie,

Make sure to check your important numbers, especially your thyroid. 

There is a downloadable PDF slip you can take to your Doc that will help guide what important numbers we recommend testing. You can find this slip under Know My Numbers.

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0 on January 5, 2016

Thanks, I have an app with my pcp set for next month and will use that pdf.

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1 on January 11, 2016

Low energy can also be related to depression or mood disorder.  I know I feel lethargic whenever my mood dips or at certain times of the year.  January blahs for example Try all the resources at BFL to feel better 🙂

on January 12, 2016

Thanks. Good advice. Exactly why I joined BFL.

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0 on January 19, 2016

I love this thread of support and ideas.  Keep us posted on your progress.

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0 on January 21, 2016

I also use a Verilux l therapy light- where I live (Pacific North West) we have long periods of grey rainy days- no sunshine for weeks. Vitamin D as well.

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1 on February 5, 2016

My suggestion is a superficial fix that does not address any underlying issues and does not cost anything. It’s part attitude adjustment and basically just shakes things up.  I greet people as a cashier. I celebrate simple things, like “I said your name correctly!”  “You are here, My store is open, I get to work.”  Yea-a-a-ah!  and I jump off the floor while leaning on the counter on my hands to control my jump. The physical change of simply jumping up and down actually releases energy I never thought I would have. On TV one day, Dr. Oz told his audience to sit on the edge of the bed in the morning and jump up star shaped. — That is hands out to the side and up and feet spread down and out to the side. — star shaped.  I tried it and it works. The more I jump, the more energized I feel.  If I do it too much, I need something like GABA or L-Tryptophan to calm down.  I also consciously decide I am going to be HAPPY. If sadness comes, I: 1) feel it, 2) get tired of it, and 3) let it go so I can be HAPPY again and again and again.  You can too!  Best wishes.

on February 7, 2016

oh my – I am going to try that jumping out of bed star-shaped. I wonder if I will be able to do that tomorrow morning! Thanks for the tip- it made me laugh so its worth a try;) For now I am trying really hard to get our 3 kids to bed by 8pm and then no tv or devices 2 hours before bedtime. I’m getting there!

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