Better Together

TRck my progress chart

Updated on June 22, 2018 in Ask A Coach
2 on June 19, 2018


I notice that the the monthly dates along the bottom of the track my progress chart do not progress in logical order. Eg mine starts at the beginning of this month then part way through reverts to the end of the previous month, instead of starting  on the left one month previous to todays date. Any reason why it tracks that way?

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0 on June 22, 2018

I think that’s just a design feature, derdoc. One way look at it is that it’s good for our brain to have to learn to see things in a new way/pattern that we don’t naturally expect! 🙂

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0 on June 22, 2018

Ok, I get it! Yes, it helps me be more flexible and use my executive function.



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