Better Together


Updated on January 22, 2016 in Healthy Living
4 on December 15, 2015

I was at GNC today and they have two versions of supplements – I was specifically looking at Valerian Root which comes in either 1500mg or the Extract version which is 500mg  I am wondering if in general, with any supplements, which people prefer – the natural or extract version?

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0 on December 16, 2015

I personally prefer the natural version, but everyone is different.

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1 on December 16, 2015

I can’t take Valerian because I have had liver disease, but with any supplement like that I try both the whole herb (if offered) and the extract (if available) to see which works best for me.  I’ve learned to listen to my body and do what is best for me individually.  During the deep stages of our guided hypnosis (such as Overcoming Pain or Peak Performance) try asking you body what it wants and needs….see if you gain more awareness.

on December 19, 2015

good method! ^-^

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0 on January 22, 2016

Consider Everyday Stress Relief, which contains Relora.  A lot of my patients find it very helpful.

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