I deeply appreciate your response! The allergic response seems to strongly tied to acidity levels, especially citric acid; I have found that the more processed the fruits and vegetables are, (and some nuts), the greater amount I can tolerate. The kidney stones are far less of an issue – it is a design flaw, not a function issue ;). Do you have any suggestions on ways to more cleanly/simply reduce the acidity levels? I have found that mixing fresh fruits with protein powder increases the amount I can consume, but I am concerned about all of the added chemicals in the protein powders. I have similar concerns with sports drinks. I try to purchase organic whenever possible; I hoped initially that the organic produce might have less acidity but no significant changes. I try to avoid the processed vegetable and fruit drinks, but I can tolerate V-8 fusion and similar drinks without issue, (likely because of the high sugar and high processing). I know heat/cooking breaks down the acid, but I am concerned about the vitamin and nutrients lost in the process. Texture and taste can also be an issue after all the cooking. What are your thoughts on dehydrated fruits and vegetables? It is another way to break down some of the acidity, but it also increases the sugar density. I lead a fairly crazy life, I am a criminal profiler by day and a practitioner of Taekwondo at night, (I have twin 15 year old girls that I need to chase the boys away from, lol). On a side note, I am fascinated with your brain research. It is the reason I initially started reading and studying your material! But that is a discussion for another day. Back on topic – simply put, I am not trying to find a miracle cure, instead I am more focused on finding alternative ways to get more of these miracle foods into my diet in a “closer to nature state” so that I can reduce my dependence on vitamin supplements. Again, thank you for your feedback, advice and your phenomenal research! Keep up the incredible work you do!