Better Together


Updated on November 27, 2016 in Healthy Living
2 on April 20, 2016
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  • bfl-temp-user464312
  • BRENNIE 124163
  • Sally4th
  • BFL_Support
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0 on April 20, 2016

Awesome post!

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0 on November 27, 2016

motivation I think is going to be a really big factor in whether I implement healthier living habits I don’t really mean exercise cause Im pretty clear it helps a lot–and am morr motivated to at least do aerobic kinds of workouts– but rather beginning a whole different way of eating–not sure I really want to eat really unfamiliar things like gluten free stuff, and especially avoiding simple carbs and foods with any sugar in it–these a major changes.   I was doing the ants exercise on the site and being obese I think I need to be more aware of how these unhealthy foods have and will affect me–my brain too –I haven’t done a brain scan– and maybe seeing and appreciating the positive effects and changes eating the way the Amen’s prescribe would be helpful to me–I do currently take supplements from Sunrider.  and I am on my usual 2 different psyche meds.

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