Better Together

Meat and insulin spike and a question on Omegas

Updated on November 13, 2022 in Ask A Coach
4 on November 5, 2022

I was shocked to read that meat spikes insulin levels b/c the saturated fats overwhelms the insulin receptors

Even chicken is not recommended and of course a plant based diet is the best choice. Please comment.

On the bright side, the plant based algae is recommended if one does not want to take the risk eating

fish which often contains mercury. I was please to double check the bottle recently bought from your clinic for Omega’s with clean algae, and it has the recommended amount of DHA/ EPA. If I take the supplement does it indicate not needing to eat fish anymore? I am not a big fish eater anyway. Thanks!

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0 on November 7, 2022

I have recently learned that animal agriculture is the greatest contributor to climate change.  Much of the land used for animals and growing feed for them used to be forest that sequestered carbon. Cattle are a huge source of methane.  Research now confirms the benefits of a whole food plant based diet. It prevents and reverses cardiovascular disease and diabetes.  There really is no reason to continue to eat meat now that the myths about protein and calcium being hard to get from plants have been dispelled.

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0 on November 8, 2022

Yes, red meat can have a negative impact on blood sugar, but it’s always helpful to consider the context in which it is consumed. For instance, red meat consumed as part of a plant-based diet on occasion for iron and b-vitamins is very different from red meat consumption regularly in the form of processed meats full of hormones, antibiotics, and other harmful substances. I believe there are many aspects of nutrition that are universal, and there are also some that are bio-individual. That is, some people do very well eating vegan, while others need an occasional intake of animal protein. It depends on many factors, including one’s overall diet, age, current medical concerns, activity levels, access, etc.

In terms of fish oil v. fish, there are benefits to both, so I try to encourage a balance in my clients. Fish oil supplements like our omega-3 by BrainMD are ‘purified’ from many contaminants that are problematic in consuming fish from polluted seas. Use EWG’s guide to assess the seafood you are considering, and opt for those with the lowest levels of mercury, PCBs, and the like.

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1 on November 8, 2022

Here’s the link to the EWG’s guide referenced above:

on November 13, 2022


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