Better Together

Magnesium and alzheimers

Updated on June 15, 2022 in Ask A Coach
1 on June 14, 2022

I am reading Dr. Blaylock’s book on Excitotoxins and he mentions that Alzheimer’s patients have low

magnesium levels. I know there are many types of magnesium, so which one would be the best for the brain?

He doesn’t give a recommendation.Thanks!

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0 on June 15, 2022

There are several forms of magnesium that can be beneficial and much of the population are getting sub-optimal amounts through our diet as our soils are greatly depleted of this essential mineral. Magnesium glycinate is a highly absorbable form that does not induce loose stools like other forms (oxide, hydroxides, etc.). Magnesium threonate is also considered highly beneficial as it has been shown to pass the blood-brain barrier readily.  Foods rich in magnesium include nuts, seeds, dark green veggies, and lentils, among others.

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