Better Together

List of “Brain Warrior Acceptable” Foods and Spices

Updated on September 29, 2020 in Nutrition
3 on September 28, 2020

I am new to the group. I started a Brain Warrior lifestyle eating plan. I have a list of things that are acceptable to eat. However, it would be nice if there were a comprehensive (or growing) list, including what should be eaten in moderation, what foods should be purchased organically, and what foods should are OK to purchase as non-organic. I have read “Change Your Brain, Change. Your Mind,” “Change You Brain, Change Your Body,” “The Brain Warrior’s Way,” and I have “The Brain Warrior’s Cook Book.” There are some lists, but certainly not all inclusive. Also, a more comprehensive list of spices and their benefits in one place would be nice. I see that there is an appendix of supplements in “Change Your Brain, Change Your Body.” Now we need the same thing for Food and Spices. 🙂

  • Liked by
0 on September 28, 2020

Check out for a list of the “dirty dozen” and “clean fifteen” which can help to guide purchasing organic v. non-organic based on how ‘dirty’ (pesticide-laden) a food is.

What foods to eat in moderation is very individual, as there are many different kinds of food sensitivities/allergies, cultural differences, and the like. If you are healthy without any medical concerns, aim for 80-90% of your food intake to be whole, unprocessed, nutrient-rich foods and water as your primary liquid. I am sending you a list to help with this, as I cannot attach it here. Anyone else wanting one, please let me know. For more personalized list of exactly what to eat in moderation, consider working with a nutritionist to make a list more individualized to you to optimize your health.



  • Liked by
0 on September 28, 2020

Thank you! This was very helpful!

  • Liked by
0 on September 29, 2020

You’re very welcome! Best!

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