I can’t thank you enough for asking Dr. Amen.
I greatly admire his work. I so appreciate what he, Tana, you and the whole team do to help others, myself included!
My tapering has been as follows on the Alprazolam .25 – or generic Xanax:
My own doctor in January had said I could begin reducing the xanax.
Like I stated already, I had just found out last week he was retired.
Started taking 1/2 of the .25 tablet.
Started taking 1/4 of the .25 tablet.
Today, took 1/8th of .25 tablet.
If I feel like I can continue with this amount, I will.
I am wondering how small does it have to be, before I can stop?
Each time I have reduced the xanax, I have noticed an increase in blood pressure here and there, over the course of a week or two time period. But my doctor had told me previously, reducing xanax causes blood pressure to go up. I am on 10mg Lisinopril and my blood pressure is low, to normal for the most part, so even the raise has not been to high. I am amazed that I can seem to feel the change in pressure in my head/body though.
I will make an appt. with the doctor who has taken over my former doctor’s office, as they had called and let me know of his retirement, and gave me a courtsey blood draw so that the new doctor can renew my prescriptions. I have not received results yet. I take 75mcg levothyroxine for under active thyroid, as well.
That said, I do believe Dr. Amen is the expert on these meds. I would like to know if Dr. Amen suggests I get off the xanax altogether, before reducing the 10mg Lexapro?
Thank you Zoe, Appreciate you so much!!!