Better Together

I was about 30 minutes in to taking the extended brain test and it just stopped

Updated on January 25, 2016 in Ask A Coach
2 on January 23, 2016

Was I done with the test? I clicked on “download results” and a blank pdf popped up. What happened? How do I ensure it won’t happen again if I re-take the test?

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0 on January 25, 2016

Dear Lisa, 

This is a glicth. I have let our developers know and they are working on fixing this issue. 

We will let you know once this has been resolved.

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0 on January 25, 2016

Dear Lisa, 

If possible please send us a snapshot of your blank PDF. You can send it to

I have spoken to our developers and this may have happened if you were “inactive” from the test and then decided to download the results. Did you by any chance take the test, step away for a few moments and then return to download the results?

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