Better Together

How do you exercise in winter?

Updated on March 11, 2018 in Healthy Living
11 on March 3, 2018

What are you all doing to keep up with exercise in winter?  Indoors or out? I’ve been slacking and want to reform.

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1 on March 3, 2018

I do prayer and focus. Scheduling helps. I am indoors. Sorry not much help … but Cheering you on praying for you.

on March 5, 2018

Scheduling, huh?  Yes, I believe that will help me.  Thank you for advice and prayer!

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1 on March 3, 2018

Planks and situps next to a heating grate.  Outdoors isn’t an option at the moment.

on March 5, 2018

I respect self-discipline.  You are right.  Winter is no excuse for giving up on exercise, even if it has to be done by a heating grate.

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2 on March 4, 2018

There are a lot of great videos (of ALL sorts) on YouTube or Dance, yoga, stretching, weight training, etc. and of varying lengths of time. Having a piece of exercise equipment at home helps too, such as a treadmill, stair climber, or stationary bike. Put on some great music or an audiobook and enjoy the time! Best~ Zoe

on March 5, 2018

Thanks, Zoe!  I do have a stationary bike and some small weights.  Tana’s exercise videos are good (They’d be even better if they were full-length, real-time, so that we could exercise along with her instead of having to stop the video after each demonstrated exercise).  I will follow your suggestion and look up some videos.

on March 5, 2018

Thanks for the feedback, Sally4th! 🙂

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2 on March 8, 2018

I am guilty of slacking too, not inspired to exercise when it is bucketing rain outdoors- the cold gray days are not inspiring at all.  I used to exercise at Curves and enjoyed it but the curves gym where I live closed down.  Haven’t come up with a new plan, I like to exercise in a group environment but not a hardcore type of gym.

on March 9, 2018

What kind of group exercise?  The kind with an instructor and classmate interaction, or just knowing other people are around even if you don’t talk?  I ran into some exercise classes while looking through a local community education website, if that helps.

on March 9, 2018

thanks M21 I am looking at our community center to see what they have on offer,  I do like a class with instrutor etc.  maybe a zumba class or something would be fun.

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0 on March 11, 2018

In winter, I like to swim, go to the gym, or do fitness videos at home. I also like community education classes, they are fun to meet new people.

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