Better Together

Having a shitty, shitty Xmas…

Updated on January 10, 2020 in Share Challenges
4 on December 25, 2019

11:21AM, Eastern time– Just a few more months before I have to leave this forum–  I cried a lot last night over some issues, which makes me exhausted the next day. I feel like shit. I am VERY TEMPTED to take 2 Hydroxyzine @ 50mg each, have 2 beers, cover my eyes with my mask, stuff my ears full of cotton and go to bed. I have nothing in my stomach right now. I don’t think I will OD on this, but it should knock me out for a good 12 hours or more, I’m hoping.  I hate gawd so much for making me so sick with my mental illness, my diseased brain. Of course, no one really knows when Christ was born, but thinking about gawd’s betrayal of me by making me so sick angers and grieves me.  I just want this day to go away. I will give anyone who wants to here ONE HOUR before I do this. I AM NOT SUICIDAL– I JUST WANT THIS DAY TO GO AWAY…

  • Liked by
0 on December 25, 2019

You have ONE HOUR to talk me out of this. AGAIN, I AM NOT SUICIDAL.

  • Liked by
0 on December 25, 2019

So no one replies. Whatever. Goodnight.

  • Liked by
0 on December 26, 2019

I’m very sorry to hear you are in such distress. The holidays can be very hard for many folks, as feelings of isolation and loneliness can be exacerbated by the encouraged celebration of togetherness, family, and joy that you might not feel. 

Please do note that while we do our best to respond within a reasonable amount of time, this forum is not meant or equipt to be used for emergency or crisis care. For immediate support during emotional crisis, please contact the crisis line at 1-800-273-8255 or call 911. 



  • Liked by
0 on January 10, 2020

Oh honey, I am praying for you!  I am alone, family all passed away, and broke my tailbone on a fall the Sat. before Christmas. Somehow….there have been some painful times, but I’m still here.

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