Better Together

Happy Gratitude Day!

Updated on November 29, 2016 in Healthy Living
3 on November 23, 2016

In preparation for the feast that is to come tomorrow for many of us, I invite you all to share any unique customs you do with your family and loved ones, or on your own, this holiday. Reminding ourselves of what we are most grateful for is an incredibly beneficial exercise for our brains and spirits!

When I was growing up, my family always played a “football” game that mostly allowed the youngest ones to know what it feels like to score a touchdown! As an adult, for many years I participated in the annual 5K run called the Turkey Trot! Now, with the growth of family and changes in travel, we make sure to take a hearty hike to enjoy the pleasures of being outside and with those we love.

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  • Sally4th
0 on November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving, Coach!

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0 on November 28, 2016

yes Coach Zoe I wanted to thank-you for getting back to me yesterday on being motivated and geared in to hopefully make the the necessary change in my eating habits and maybe find a nutrition coach from this website– I had struggled with other kinds of addiction in my past and it is a real battle for me especially not to beat myself up too badly when i stray from making the good choices and eating what I ought to–instead of the bad ones –ants will help with this and I was in process of working on who would bot be good influences in my eating and who are sabotaging my efforts at getting healthier– I have a counselor who is familiar with ants work and Dr Amen’s work too–but one thing I’ve learned in being in addiction recovery is to learn how to be gentle with myself as it is the most loving way to be for anyone including me–maybe as I would naturally be with another in the same place I hope—it is grace that changes us not so much fear based punishment. hope you had a great thanksgiving Julie

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0 on November 29, 2016

Thanks Julie. It’s wonderful to hear about how you are taking care of yourself. Gentle and honest are important pieces in reaching optimal health.

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