Better Together


Updated on March 28, 2017 in Weight Loss
3 on January 14, 2017

I have been taking BrainMD supplements for several months now. Recently I have been having problems with cravings, something I don’t normally experience. My brain type is 14. Is Craving Control something I can consider to try to control this problem?

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0 on January 14, 2017

Yes, Craving Control is a great supplement for blood sugar control which can help tremendously with cravings. Other things to consider are regularity of protein intake throughout the day, hydration, and adequate sleep, as all of those can effect cravings for carbohydrates. Additionally, sometimes cravings arise because of emotional stress. Consider taking an inventory of the potential contributors both biologically and psychologically to get you feeling back in control. Best to you! -Coach Zoe

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1 on March 28, 2017

When I first started reading and taking the course training your brain I noted the alpha lipoic acid capsules could help with A1C so I started taking them (200 mg/day)  Then I read more and started drinking more water, both helped my A1C drop dramatically in one month.  I was still having cravings so I signed up for the Cravings Control and have been taking 3 caps when i get up and 3 caps when my stomach is empty before supper and I have been able to make way better brain healthy choices in what I eat and controlling the portions.  I’ve also had more energy to exercise and the weight is melting off.  I love it!

on March 28, 2017

So wonderful to hear of your success! Thanks so much for sharing! – Coach Zoe

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