Better Together

Cold fingers after taking Ritalin (Methamphetamine)

Updated on July 12, 2017 in ADD Support
1 on July 11, 2017

Hello Dr. Amen and coaches,

I’ve been taking Ritalin for more than 3 years (I tried Focus and Energy supplement but it didn’t work well for me) and after taking it I feel my fingers are very cold, do you think why is that and what are your suggestions to treat this?
Many thanks 🙂

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0 on July 12, 2017

Be sure to mention concerns about medication side effects to your physician as they have more knowledge about your whole health history. Cold hands can be the sign of many different things including thyroid issues (have you had your labs done lately?). This symptom may be helped systemically by adding in more ‘warming’ foods and spices including cinnamon, cayenne, ginger, and turmeric. Make sure you are getting adequate exercise, and supporting your liver health with a whole foods diet, plenty of filtered water, and avoiding sugar, gluten, dairy, and alcohol. – Coach Zoe

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