Better Together

Challenges at Christmas

Updated on March 16, 2016 in Share Challenges
22 on December 27, 2015

Challenged this week with Christmas and all the expectations and exposure to special food and treats and Christmas drinks.

aargh!  and tired from moving into a new home 9 days before Christmas

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3 on December 27, 2015

Yes.  I way over-indulged in chocolates when I was upset, tonight.  Doesn’t do a thing for my self-esteem and I will probably feel sick, later.  I think Tana said that we are doing okay if we eat healthfully 90% of the time, though.  How did you do?  Are you frustrated because you are doing a good job of denying yourself, or frustrated because you are giving in more than you really want to?

on December 27, 2015

Only managed healthy eating 10% of the time- got it backwards.  Didn’t take time to organize meals and that’s what happens when you leave it up to chance.   Just have to move on in a better direction.  I know the emotional eating isn’t going to help in the long run but getting frustrated won’t help.  Good to know that this community is here.

on January 5, 2016

I am still floundering.  No, that would be an upgrade.  I am what you call it when the ship goes under — foundering!  At this very moment, I have an already half-eaten box of gluten-free gingerbread men that I got for half-price at the grocery store tonight.  There’s an icy breeze outdoors. I hardly saw the sun, today.  The  holidays are over and the bills are just getting started.  Will someone please slap me, or give me a word of encouragement?  Or both.

on March 13, 2016

Maybe you need a coach? 🙂

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2 on December 27, 2015

Thanks for sharing your challenges!  I really understand and will be thinking of you and sending all the good energy to help you keep yourself healthy and strong!  Happy Holidays to you!!!  Find the things you can truly enjoy and pursue them with all your heart!

on December 27, 2015

…btw…we moved into our new home in Florida last year at Christmas time and I experienced that sense of living in total chaos…boxes everywhere…not knowing where to find the basics of life!  This year I feel settled and peaceful….
Just give yourself time to settle and accept the challenges…

on December 27, 2015

Thank you Chellenor
I was feeling guilty about being distressed- the move is a positive thing and I love the house.  Your advice is appreciated 🙂

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4 on December 29, 2015

Talk about a challenge this Christmas! I will unfortunately have to call it what it was, a personal attack on me by a family member. I was being gossiped about, and it was just such mean things that were said about me in a text to my other family members. I was really hurt. But then I remembered, it is gossip, and it was an opinion, it was meant to be hurtful, and it was UNTRUE! I did my ant work, and do you know this worked (over a period of time)? I had a few other family members express surprise, shock, and disgust at the comments, and this helped me. But really, why do people do this? I don’t know, but at this point I don’t care and I am thinking about pleasant things like my dog and my upcoming trip to Myrtle Beach, as well as the wonderful time I had with my friends and some of my family members this Christmas.☺

on December 29, 2015

just keep thinking about positive things coming your way:)

on December 29, 2015

Sorry you had to go through that, bflv2_02264.  You handled it well. I hope you have a great time at Myrtle Beach!

on December 30, 2015

Thank you, Sally 4th. I will, in March or April.☺

on December 30, 2015

Thank you, Brennie, for your support. I will continue to be positive.

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1 on February 20, 2016

Help! I have at least 3 family members who are very difficult people, period. This one person visited recently and was just plain rude to me, and it was very hurtful. But I decided to take the high road and did not argue with her because I knew where that would go! And do you know I kept on with my day, and she left! Thank God. However, I did not realize I was feeling such unfair guilt over it until I did my ant work. Thankful for the ant exercise, as it removed the unearned guilt. However, what she said was nasty and hurtful, but ar least I see it as her problem, not mine. Whew!

on February 21, 2016

it’s hard to deal with such negativity-  you are recognizing it and not engaging which is good. Toxic people hurt your brain as well as your heart.  

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1 on February 27, 2016

Thank you, Brennie, for your support. Yes, toxic people do hurt our brains and hearts, so that’s an excellent reason not to engage with them. It makes me sad, though, that some people feel the need to be hurtful. I wonder what motivates them. I think I know in this case it is their desire to either have control or be in control over others. Once I recognized this, I realized the importance of letting go and moving on.

on February 28, 2016

I know it’s hard- I think it is because you miss the imagined relationship that you would like to have with the family member.  In my case it is my sister.  I long to have a balanced positive relationship with her but I realize it will most likely never happen.  I have learned to be okay with that.  Good luck to you with your struggles as well.   As a true friend of mine said-  I am your family. 

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1 on February 28, 2016

Thank you for that, Brennie. It helps to know others have similar challenges with family members. My realization is that I also may never have positive, healthy relationships with them, and if so, I will have to learn to be OK with that, too. It certainly was not due to my lack of effort, though.

on February 29, 2016

you can still love your family member even if you release the entanglement with them- I learned this through some great counselling  🙂

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0 on February 29, 2016

Releasing the entanglement is key. Then there is some perspective, distance, and saved energy that can be used to love from a distance. Thanks I think that will help me.

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1 on March 5, 2016

I never eat choc. and if I do it’s dark organic. but I’ve been going a little nuts on this choc. peanut butter cup icecream . in a week I have eaten 2 boxes. I can’t believe myself. I can’t move out of this house fast enough.

on March 6, 2016

Moving is stressful, for sure.  Do you know when you are moving, yet?

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0 on March 16, 2016

This exercise can really help if you feel you are eating for reasons other than hunger:

The next time you are in an emotional eating moment, pause and ask yourself “What do I really need right now?”. Often we will come up with another answer besides food! Maybe you need to laugh, to relax, to get a hug, to talk to someone, to take a walk, to journal, to listen to some music, or otherwise give yourself the real need! It’s kind of amazing how this can work. Try it the next time you find yourself reaching for a “treat”, and see if you still eat it, or if you eat less of it!

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