Better Together


Updated on February 2, 2017 in Nutrition
3 on January 31, 2017

I have been taking BrainProBiotics for the best part of a year.  But, I also take a 30 Billion CFU probiotic (24 Strains) daily as well.  I have been taking 30 to 50 Billion CFU probiotics daily for more than a few years.  Is this a proper regime?
I have been advised to take at least 30 Billion CFU probiotics of at least 14 Strains daily.
Comments or advice please.  Thank you.  ICG

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0 on January 31, 2017

Have you felt positive changes since being on this regimen? Our individual biomes dictate whether we will benefit from specific bacterial strains, so taking multiple different strains is good advice. Our personal health history may require us to take more or less on a regular basis depending on many factors including exposure to antibiotics, our diets, our type of birth, whether we were breastfed, and whether we have any colon health or absorption issues. Sounds like you are fully covered both by the number of different strains and the amount you are taking. Do you feel any positive or negative side effects from this amount? -Coach Zoe

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0 on February 2, 2017

No negative ‘side effects’ of which I am aware.  The problem is that what is ‘normal’ to me, may not be representative of optimal health.  I was not breastfed, although my birth was ‘normal’ (not cesarean).  I have had no need of antibiotics for many years, and I do not know how to determine the state of my colon’s health or absorption efficiency.  But, I understand that the older our bodies, the greater the need for probiotics.  Is 30 billion CFUs each day plus one ProBrainBiotic capsule the appropriate dose for a 71 year old man?
I am aware of (cortisol?) stress, but I do not have any idea as to how to measure this.  Can you suggest any tests?  Please advise.  Thank you.  ICG

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0 on February 2, 2017

I think your probiotic regimen is at a good level with a wide variety of strains of bacteria (24).  Supporting gut health in other ways through good nutrition, hydration, adequate sleep, regular exercise, stress management, and the like, is also important, for it is many factors that determine optimal health, not just one. 

Cortisol levels, which are just one indication of our body’s stress response, can be measured via blood or saliva tests, which you can order yourself via saveonlabs or directlabs. But I would first talk with your doctor about whether that would be a useful test for you to do. -Coach Zoe

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