Better Together

Brain Type 11

Updated on January 28, 2016 in Ask A Coach
4 on January 24, 2016

I need complex carbohydrates for my brain type 11.  Not sure the best way to implement this vs the Omni Meal plan.  Any help is appreciated.

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0 on January 25, 2016

Use the recipes under Nourish My Brain. Focus more on the ones with complex carbs, like hummus and sweet potatoes.  Your brain type will not do well on the Atkins Diet, but most of Tana’s recipes will work well for you.

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0 on January 26, 2016

Thank you so much for getting back to me.  I have MS and Celiac.  I had a serious concussion as a child. Last February I was in an accident and had another concussion.  My doctors were quite concerned that I will develop early onset Alzheimer’s.  They did not offer me any hope. I am 55 and  and still work.  I want my brain back and intend to fight to keep and even improve it.  I joined your Brain Warrior’s Website and value the information I have viewed so far.  Thank you for learning about nutrition and the brain.  I now have a game plan and HOPE.

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0 on January 26, 2016

Thank you for the kind comment. You are the reason we are here.

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0 on January 28, 2016

Welcome to the community Autumn!

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