Better Together

Aversion to cell phones/computers

Updated on November 21, 2023 in Ask A Coach
5 on August 13, 2023

Hi Zoe,

I am one of the few people who don’t care for cell phones nor computers. I love information, but my eyes

start to blur when on the computer. I am  forced to  use them b/c

of email etc. As for cell phones, I don’t have one and I prefer to talk to people, but nobody does phone calls anymore.

I feel all these electronic devices are kryptonite for my body. It creates anxiety and is unhealthy.

Have you heard of anyone feeling this way?  Thanks for all your great advice!

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1 on August 15, 2023

Thanks for the question, and for encouraging the discussion. I certainly hear you, and second your hesitation in moving towards an increasingly virtual world–as I type this response to you! 🙂

Yes, I have worked with folks who have had similar experiences, and there is growing evidence to substantiate that there is a connection between exposure to EMF radiation from cell phones (and other devices) and neuropsychiatric symptoms. This article outlines many studies finding such a connection (see page 47 for list of research outlining a connection).

Furthermore, the WHO (World Health Organization) has stated that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) emitted from cell phones, are a “possible carcinogen to humans”. This is alarming particularly as so many of use cell phones so regularly, and over many years.

While we are unlikely going to reverse use altogether, limiting use and spending more time connecting in ‘real life’ is certainly worth doing for our health.


on August 22, 2023

No microwave in sight!! At least that is one thing we never had.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. Do any of the protective devices against EMF’s that are sold any good? There is some kind of device to put on the “smart” meter. I am happy to buy it if it helps, but don’t want to waste $.If you have any recommendations it would be great.

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0 on August 24, 2023

I cannot find any research on the scientific efficacy of such protective devices for EMF radiation, but Wired magazine has a good article on this, from which I have pulled excerpts here: 

Kenneth Foster, a bioengineering professor emeritus at the University of Pennsylvania, is skeptical.  “First, there is no way for the average consumer to know how effective such a protective device is, and they would probably be wasting their money for little reduction in exposure,” Foster writes via email. “Second, there is no demonstrable health benefit as long as the cell phone operates within safety limits (which all devices that are legally sold do).”

The Federal Trade Commission issued a warning about scams that claim to protect you from cell phone radiation. Worse yet, some of these protective devices can have the opposite effect. Cloth shielding material might have metal woven into it, Foster says, which can reflect or absorb radio waves, potentially increasing exposure. But it’s more likely that some supposed EMF blocking products, such as pendants or stickers, simply do nothing at all.

“I am not aware of any physical principle by which such devices could work,” Foster says. “It is expensive and requires special equipment to test, and from what I can tell, vendors of such devices do not demonstrate their effectiveness by means of scientifically valid tests but rely on technical jargon to sell the gadgets.”

If you are worried about exposure to radiation, RF, and EMF from your phone, forget about buying products. It’s best to modify your phone use. Foster says you can use a Bluetooth speaker instead of pulling your phone up to your ear for phone calls, and avoid cell phone use in areas with weak signals, because when network coverage is poor your phone boosts power to the internal radio to try to maintain connectivity. The other alternative is to not use a cell phone, but that’s not easy in today’s digital world.

Hope this helps!

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0 on November 19, 2023

There is a tinnitus connection! So interesting since I have tinnitus. Anything new on that front? I ask my ENT every time I see him and you always give me more info than he does!  Thanks for your thoroughness in all your replies. It brings me back to my studies getting my M.A. and how we were taught how to read studies. It comes in handy! 

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0 on November 21, 2023

You are most welcome. Glad it’s helpful! 🙂

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