Better Together

ASMR for relaxation

Updated on August 12, 2016 in Announcements!
7 on June 4, 2016

While watching Bob Ross, painting videos on PBS, back in the 80s, I found the sound of his voice so soothing that I’d fall asleep. I recently discovered that a name as been coined for this: ASMR, and there’s a lot of people who are using this for relaxation. Has anyone else benefitted from this new phenomena?

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0 on June 5, 2016

That’s new to me.  What do the letters in ASMR stand for?

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1 on June 5, 2016

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.
Not everyone experiences the sensation. Some call it the “tingles” because they get a tingling sensation in the back of their head. Triggers can be the human voice, other sounds or even watching someone methodically do a task.

on August 12, 2016

Is this something you listen to?

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0 on June 5, 2016

That’s interesting -more than just a soothing voice.

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0 on June 5, 2016

Yep, but not everyone is effected by it. 

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1 on June 7, 2016

anything like binaural beats brainwave meditation?

on June 7, 2016

Yes. My son introduced me to Binaural sounds, when he was majoring in Music Therapy.

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