Better Together

Art Therapy

Updated on August 23, 2019 in Healthy Living
2 on August 13, 2019

I’ve been curious about how effective art therapy would be. I’m an artist myself as I love character design and such but I can be pretty perfectionist. Because of that perfectionism though I am wondering if I should still try it. Do you guys recommend it? Also is there anyone with experience would tell me what they thought of their sessions?

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0 on August 14, 2019

I love art therapy! I have amazing colleagues who are certified art therapists who say one of the most fundamental aspects of what they tell potential clients is that the process is the point, not the outcome, so you don’t even have to be an artist to gain incredible value from the work. I am on the board with Inspired Art Therapy, and if you go to their website you will see the emphasis on not using art therapy for “perfect” art. It will help to explain the process and benefits much better than I can!

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0 on August 23, 2019

Thanksfor your direction.

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