I have eaten salads for years. Sick, sick, of them. Every time my family went out to ear my son would say “I wonder what she’s going to order? Salad?” I wanted to keep my weight don becsypuse every time I cheated I wold gain 2 or 3 lbs. That’s scary for someone that’s been very overweight. Well now since I’ve been listening to Tana the choice many times isn’t salad. Last week I ordered a natural burger from Carl’s Jr. Wrapped n lettuce. I was so hungry that I ate French fries too. Well this week I said to myself If I’m hungry after my lettuce wrap I will go get something else , but not French fries. I ended up getting beans and guacamole. At least it’s a better choice then French fries or iced coffee with sugar in it. Boston Maket is near my mom. I could always order chicken or turkey with vegetables. I just thought of a inexpensive Chinese place by my mom where I could order salmon and vegetables. I’ve started thinking beyond salads thanks to Tana. By the way. My gut hurt when Tana sad she always looks around when she walks. This world is a scary place.