Better Together

ADD Journal

Updated on July 5, 2018 in ADD Support
4 on January 31, 2017

Does anybody keep an ADD journal? I want to start one but have trouble organizing my thoughts. Was wondering if anyone has a format you follow.. Thanks

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1 on January 31, 2017

Dr. Amen has an incredible ADD journal as part of his Healing ADD program: You can also find the journal on its own at various booksellers online. 🙂

on February 2, 2017

I’m not wanting to have to buy anything else. I was hoping someone would be willing to share what they have used..

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0 on August 31, 2017

I journal using point form (or bullet points). Writing long boring pages of sentences bores me to death. I allow my thoughts to wander and be totally random and jot them down. Sometimes I have so many thoughts, worries running around in my mind that just getting them out on paper does a world of good. I sometime pick a theme for what to write about so that I have a focus (ie. write about my garden, write about work, write about all the fun things I did this week, write about my worries etc.). I also set a timer every day to remind me to journal in the first place. It really does help!

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0 on July 5, 2018

Nothing formal. I started using a blank journal this past year(bullet journal type). Every month I add my calendar view with my schedule of clients, appointments, events etc so I can see the month at a glance quickly. Then usually on the next page have a few daily trackers that are easy to tick off every day. Like whether I took my medication or not, if I exercised, slept well, mforood and because I am a women I track my monthly cycle as well because it can drastically effect my ADHD symptoms as well as sleep and energy.

This wouldn’t be for everyone but I like that I have not been locked into a ridge form of tracking things, I have been able to customize it as I need to and learn what is the most benefit to track and what isn’t.

Inbetween my monthly spreads I do a spread for each week and usually use those spaces to jot down a few key points from the day so if I need to look back at something I can find some clues. You could also use this space for planning, intentions or a gratitude journal. 

Just start trying stuff and don’t worry if you have to go through several things before something works, or if something works for a while and then you need to change it up. I think that is just the nature of the beast of tracking anything when you have ADHD 🙂

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