Better Together

ADD and Stimulants

Updated on April 17, 2019 in ADD Support
6 on February 27, 2017

Hi, I been taking Vyvanse and Aderall and I’ve notice I’m lossing a lot of hair, is that normal? and if so, what can I do to prevent hair loss?
I also notice that those medications are not working as effective as when I started taking them, should I try a natural solution to treat my ADD.

Thank you,

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0 on February 28, 2017

I strongly encourage you to speak with your doctor about your hair loss as well as the efficacy of your medications. There are many supportive measures you can take outlined here on this website, and personalized for you on your brain type report (on the dashboard) to help significantly with symptoms of ADD. These include eating a plant-based, whole foods diet with plenty of healthy fats and high quality protein, getting regular exercise, good quality sleep, stress management, brain exercises, etc. When used, medication should be one avenue of support, but remember there is much else we can do to support our brains and optimize our functioning. – Coach Zoe

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0 on February 28, 2017

Thank you Zoe

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0 on August 31, 2017

I am on Vyvanse and find that it sometimes feels like it’s not working – but it actually is. I’ve done a number of behavioural analaysis’ with my therapist (a long word for finding out the root cause) and figured out that I am simply getting used to it and the way it works with my brain. This is normal. Also, daily habits are super powerful. When I fall back into old unhealthy habits and ways of functioning – my meds don’t do much for me and it feels like they aren’t working.  When I focus on creating/maintaining new healthy habits (planning, eating well, setting timers, being on time, tidying up everyday etc.) my meds make these tasks SO much easier.  I sometime sit for a moment and compare my life to the times before I started meds/coaching to now – and then I am able to see the difference that they make. I also ask my partner if he thinks they are working when I start to doubt, and he always answers an absolute yes! Ask someone that knows you before and after you started meds for reassurance or confirmation that they are working. I hope that makes sense.

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0 on September 5, 2017

Great advice! Hard to see ourselves, so checking in with those closest to us can give us great insight and reassurance.

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0 on April 17, 2019

I have tried Vyvanse and Adderall and both give me a horribly dry mouth. Is there another medication that is used for ADD?

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0 on April 17, 2019

There are several different medication options for ADD, as well as supplements that can help with focus and attention. I would ask your doctor about other medication options that may have more tolerable or less significant side effects for you. Focus and Energy, Neurolink, and Attention Support are a few supplement options from BrainMD that can be used for this purpose. -Coach Zoe

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